8. Leave Module

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  • Last Post 15 October 2019
tismail posted this 15 October 2019 - Last edited 15 October 2019

The Leave module contains screens and reports which help the organisation record, track and report on employee leaves and leave entitlements such as annual leaves, sickness leaves and other absences. The following sections details the various sections and screens under the Leave module.


This section contains screens which allow the configuration of various leave parameters. The section has the following screens

  • General
  • Leave Types
  • Leave Rules
  • Holidays

tismail posted this 15 October 2019


This screen allows you to specify the organisation’s leave period and the levels of approvals required for leave applications

A leave period is the date from which a leave year begins to the date it ends. In most cases it follows a calendar year i.e. the 2015 leave period could be from Jan 2015 to Dec 2015 but not always. This screen allows the user to set the organisations leave period. The leave period determines when the leave roll occurs (see Leave Roll), it is also important for calculating pro-rated leave due to staff being employed mid-way in the leave period. Below is a description of the fields in this screen

  • Start Month: This is the month in which the leave period begins
  • Start Date: This is the day of the month in which the leave period begins
  • End Date: This is the end date of the leave period. This value is automatically calculated based on 12 months after the start of the period.
  • Current Leave Period: This displays the full start and end date for the leave period.
  • Automatic Holiday Creation: Set this to “yes” to enable the system automatically create specific holidays for your country once announced by relevant authorities. Note: A holiday record will only be created if one does not already exist for the relevant date.
  • Required Approval Level: This is the number of approvals required for each leave application. Please note the following
    • One Level: The system requires an approval from the applicant’s direct manager.
    • Two Levels: The system requires approval from the applicant’s direct manager (Level 1 manager), once approved a second approval will be required from any of the level 1 managers’ managers
    • Three Levels and above: The system requires approval from the applicant’s direct manager (Level 1 manager), once approved a second approval will be required from any of the level 1 managers’ managers (Level 2 Manager). A third approval will be required from any of the level 2 managers’ managers and so on.
    • A user which has the “manage employee” rights such as an “Admin” or “HR User” can approve at any level
    • Once a user give approval, the can no longer give further approval for the current application neither can they reject the application.
    • A rejection at any level ends the application process.
  • Approval Basis: This determines the approval workflow
    • Reporting Line: Selecting this basis means the leave approval workflow will be based on the applicant’s reporting line as follows.
      • One Level: The system requires an approval from the applicant’s direct manager.
      • Two Levels: The system requires approval from the applicant’s direct manager (Level 1 manager), once approved a second approval will be required from any of the level 1 managers’ managers
      • Three Levels and above: The system requires approval from the applicant’s direct manager (Level 1 manager), once approved a second approval will be required from any of the level 1 managers’ managers (Level 2 Manager). A third approval will be required from any of the level 2 managers’ managers and so on.
      • A user which has the “manage employee” rights such as an “Admin” or “HR User” can approve at any level
      • Once a user give approval, the can no longer give further approval for the current application neither can they reject the application.
      • A rejection at any level ends the application process.
    • Approver Groups: This allows for more flexibility in the approval workflow as user can determine specific approver groups along the applicant’s reporting line who will approve the leave. There are additional options to be set when this basis is selected
      • Group Type: This is the group pool from which approvers can be selected, the available options are Job Category, Job Titles, Line Management and Custom. Custom allows you to pick custom fields which have been defined for the “Role History” section – See Custom Fields
      • Approver Group: Based on the group type selected, you will be able to make a relevant selection
      • Add Group Button: Click to add the selected “Approver Group”
      • Remove Group Button: Click to remove the selected “Approver Group”
      • Move Up Button: Use this button to move an approver group up one level
      • Move Down Button: Use this button to move an approver group down one level
    • Reporting Line Approval Type: Setting to “Strict” means the approvals must be given in the right order, each approver can only give approval at the right level. Set to “Loose” to allow approvers give approval at any level. i.e. If “Strict” is selected, a first level manager can only give level 1 leave approvals and so on. If “Loose” is selected then the first level manager can give approval at any level.
    • Approval Role: Select a role that to be included in the list of required approval roles. Use the Add Role and Remove Role as appropriate. Note: For final approval to be given to any leave application, at least one user with a role on the approval role list must be present on the approval chain or must be the one given the final approval.
    • Require final confirmation: Set this to “Yes” to force the user giving final leave approval to affirm the final confirmation message before final approval is given.
    • Edit Button: Click this button to make changes to the leave period, click again to save changes. The end dates are automatically calculated once the changes are saved.
    • Reset Button: Click this button to reset the start month to January and the start date to 1.

Note: The system will send an alert to all employees 1 month before the leave period end reminding them to use their leaves to avoid the possibility of losing them.

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