This screen allows a user with the correct permission to set configuration options for user authentication. From this screen you can edit authentication configuration.

Fig 6.4 – Authentication Configuration screen

Editing Configuration options

To edit configuration, navigate to Admin > User Management >Authentication Config, Click on “Edit” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Show CAPTCHA after failed logins: This determines how many times a user tries to login before the CAPTCHA text (designed to deter non-human attempts to login). The default value is 2
  • Lockout Account after failed logins: This determines how many times a user tries to login before the user account is locked out. Once an account is locked out, the user cannot login again even if the correct password is entered until the account is unlocked. Only a user with an Admin role can unlock such account. The default value is 5. Note: This value cannot be set lower than the CAPTCHA limit.
  • Enable password expiration: This determines if the user passwords expire after a set period. Note: This setting can be overridden by setting the “Password Never Expires” to “Yes” in the “Users” screen (See creating users)
  • Maximum password age in days: This specifies the number of days after which a user will be required to change their password. The default for this setting is 30 days
  • Enable external logins: This determines if users will be able to login to the system using their existing Facebook or Google accounts
  • Edit Button: Click this button to begin editing the configuration, click it again when done to save the settings
  • Reset Button: This buttons resets all configuration options to their default setting.

Note: The system warns the user of the impending password expiration once the expiration is 5 days or less.