Biometric Device Management

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  • Last Post 17 October 2019
tismail posted this 17 October 2019 - Last edited 17 October 2019

Bizsoft HRM provides deep integration with fingerprint machines which support “ADMS Push SDK” technology which allows the device to send and receive information directly from the Bizsoft HRM portal. This screen allows an authorised user to manage all supported biometric devices connected to the portal.

Adding Biometric Devices

You must add a supported biometric device in order to communicate with it. To add a biometric device, follow the steps below

  • Navigate to Time > Attendance > Biometric Device Management
  • From the ensuing screen, click the “Add” button
  • Use the field description below to fill the electronic form
    • Name: Unique name for the device
    • Serial Number: This is the unique serial number for the device with           which the portal can uniquely identify the device
    • Device Status (Read Only): This is the status of the device i.e. Online or Offline
    • Basic Info: This is the latest basic device information as                          reported by the device                                          
  • Save Button: Click this button to save changes
  • Cancel: Click this button to cancel changes
  • View Employee Device: Click this button to view employees registered on the devices
  • Clear Device Data: Click this button to clear all data on the biometric device
Editing Biometric Devices

To edit a Biometric Device, navigate to Time > Attendance > Biometric Device Management locate the relevant device and then click its name. Click on a Biometric Device and change the information as required (See Adding Biometric Devices). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.

Deleting Biometric Devices

To delete a Biometric Device, navigate to Time > Attendance > Biometric Device Management. Select the checkbox beside the Biometric Device(s) you want to delete and the click the “Delete” button.

Adding Single Biometric Employee

You can add employees to the biometric device directly from the portal (recommended) instead of creating the employee on the device itself. To add a biometric Employee, follow the steps below

  • Navigate to Time > Attendance > Biometric Employee Management
  • Click on the relevant device and from the ensuing screen, click the “View Device Employees” button
  • From the next screen, click the “Add” button
  • Use the field description below to fill the electronic form
    • User ID: Unique user ID for the employee
    • Name: Type in part of the employee name and click the “Search” link button
    • Priviledge: Select “User” or “Admin”. Note: Only Admin users              will have access to device menu once at least one                admin user exist.
    • Status: Select “Active” or “Inactive”. Only active users can             record attendance on the machine        
    • Save Button: Click this button to save changes
    • Cancel: Click this button to cancel changes           
Adding Multiple Biometric Employees

You can add many employees to the biometric device at once. To add multiple biometric employees, follow the steps below

  • Navigate to Time > Attendance > Biometric Employee Management
  • Click on the relevant device and from the ensuing screen, click the “View Device Employees” button
  • From the next screen, click the “Add Multiple” button
  • Identify or search for the relevant employee(s) as required
  • Tick the checkbox beside each employee
  • Click the “Add selected employees” button to add the selected employees
  • Otherwise, click the “Close” button to return to the previous screen.

tismail posted this 17 October 2019

Recording employee fingerprint on the device

Once an employee is added as described above, the information is pushed to the relevant device (Note: depending on the network conditions, this may be immediate or occur within a few minutes). Before the relevant employee is able to record their attendance, you must register their fingerprint on the relevant machine. Follow the steps below to register an employee’s fingerprint

  • From the device’s main screen, click the “Menu” button
  • Select “User Mgt” by clicking the “Ok” button
  • Select “All Users” by clicking the “Ok” button
  • Use the arrow keys to navigate to the relevant employee (Look out for the employee ID)
  • Select the employee by pressing the “Ok” button
  • Select “Edit” by clicking the “Ok” button
  • Select “Fingerprint” by clicking the “Ok” button
  • Use the arrow keys to select the relevant finger
  • Press the “Okay” button
  • Ask the employee to present the relevant finger and follow the prompts on screen
  • Repeat the process for each finger you want to register

Once all fingerprints are registered, the information is digitised, converted into a Base64 string and then sent to the portal. Privacy Note: It is the Base 64 string and not the actual fingerprint that is sent to the portal. The string cannot be used to recreate the fingerprint and can only be used for matching purposes and hence, employee’s privacy is assured.  

Editing Biometric Employees

To edit a Biometric Employee, navigate to Time > Attendance > Biometric Employee Management, click on the relevant device and from the ensuing screen, click the “View Device Employees” button. Locate the relevant Employee and then click its name. Proceed to change the information as required (See Adding Biometric Employees). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.

Deleting Biometric Employees

To delete a Biometric Employee, navigate to Time > Attendance > Biometric Employee Management, click on the relevant device and from the ensuing screen, click the “View Device Employees” button. Select the checkbox beside the Biometric Employee(s) you want to delete and the click the “Remove” button.

Copying Biometric Employees

The system allows you to copy biometric employees from one device to the other. This is useful when you have two or more devices and you want employees to be able to record their attendance on multiple devices. Follow the steps below to copy employee(s) from one device to another

  • Navigate to Time > Attendance > Biometric Employee Management
  • Click on the relevant device and from the ensuing screen, click the “View Device Employees” button
  • Identify or search for the relevant employee(s) as required
  • Tick the checkbox beside each employee
  • Select the target biometric device
  • Click the “Copy” button to add the selected employees to the target device
  • Click the “Copy All” button to add all employees to the biometric device

Note: Any conflicting employee information will be resolved on the target device as follows.

  • If employee exist on the target device and has at least one registered fingerprint, the record will be skipped
  • If the employee exist on the target machine and the source record is the same as that on the target record, the record will be skipped
Viewing device commands (Advanced)

Whenever, you add, delete or modify a biometric employee, commands are sent to the relevant device to give effect to your action. The system allows you to monitor the commands sent to the device to see if they have been processed. To view device commands, navigate to Time > Attendance > Biometric Employee Management and click the “View Device Commands” button. A command can be in one of three states

  • Pending: This command has not been sent to the device
  • Delivered: This command has been sent to the device but no response has been received from the device
  • Processed: This command has been processed by the device and the result will be show under the relevant column.
Deleting device commands (Advanced)

There may be instances where you want to delete a device command, the system allows you to do this by following the steps below

  • Navigate to Time > Attendance > Biometric Employee Management
  • Click the “View Device Commands” button
  • Identify or search for the relevant command(s) as required
  • Tick the checkbox beside each command
  • Click the “Delete” button and confirm
  • Otherwise click the “Close” button to return to the previous screen

Important: Use this function with caution as it may cause data loss if used improperly

Sending commands to device (Advanced)

The system allows an authorised user to send system commands to a biometric device (The actual commands and usage are beyond the scope of this manual. Speak to you Bizsoft representative if you need to no more about the individual commands. To send a command to a device, follows the steps below

  • Navigate to Time > Attendance > Biometric Employee Management
  • Tick the checkbox beside each relevant device
  • Select a command from the list
  • Click the “Send Command” button
  • Use the “Command” screen (See Viewing device commands) to view the status of your command

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