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  • Last Post 07 October 2019
tismail posted this 07 October 2019 - Last edited 07 October 2019

This section contain screens which allow you configure general application settings and processes. It contains the following screens

  • Email Configuration
  • Subscriptions
  • Backup and Restore
  • Updates
  • Background Processes
  • Themes

Email Configuration

The software has the ability to send email notifications to employees, this screen allows the configuration of email settings to allow sending of such notifications. By default, the software comes preset with email settings using the Bizsoft servers but this can be changed to suit the email provider for the organisation. Access the screen by Navigating to Admin > Configuration > Email Configuration

Below is a description of the settings contained in this screen

  • Email Address: This is the email address with which the software will send emails
  • Username: The username used to login to the outgoing mail server (This information will be provided by your mail provider)
  • Password: This is the password used to login to the outgoing mail server (This information will be provided by your mail provider)
  • SMTP Host: This is the address for the outgoing mail server (This information will be provided by your mail provider)
  • Enable SSL: This determines whether the mail is sent using secure and encrypted connection to the mail server. Check that your mail server supports SSL before enabling it.
  • Port: This is the port with which communication is established with the mail server. This is set to 25 for none SSL and 465 for SSL connections by default. If your mail server supports TLS then the port should be changed to 587.
  • Test Email Address: Specifies the email address to which a test email will be sent when the user clicks the “Send Test Email” button
  • Edit Button: Click once to edit the settings and again to save it
  • Send Test Email Button: Click this button to send a test email to the specified address to ensure your email settings are correct.


This screen shows information relating to the current subscription and also allows individual modules be turned on or off. Access the screen by Navigating to Admin > Configuration > Subscriptions

Below is a description of the settings contained in this screen

 Subscription Information

  • Application ID: This is the unique identification number for your installation. Note: This number will be re-generated if a fresh installation of the software is done and if this happens then contact your Bizsoft HRM representative as your subscription will need to be updated with the new ID.
  • Software version: This is the current version of the software
  • Subscription Level: This is the current subscription level for the current installation. The subscription level determines which modules are accessible as explained below.
    • Disabled: This means no valid subscription has been found for the installation and all modules will be unavailable except the following to which the user will have read-only access
      • Admin
      • PIM
      • MyInfo
      • Dashboard
      • People

Note: In this mode, no addition, modification or deletion is possible, the user will only have view permissions to modules which his/her current role allows access to. In addition to the aforementioned restrictions, the user will only be able to view employees who directly report to them.

  • Basic: This subscription level allows access the following modules
    • Admin
    • PIM
    • MyInfo
    • Dashboard
    • People

The exact access which is granted to the above modules will be based on the current user role.

  • Professional: This subscription level allows access to the modules at the basic level and in addition to that, the following
    • Leave
    • Time
    • Org Chart
    • Asset

tismail posted this 07 October 2019

  • Enterprise: This is the highest subscription level and it gives access to the modules at the professional level and in addition to that, the following
    • Recruitment
    • Performance
    • New & Docs
    • Training
  • Maximum Employees: This is the maximum number of employees that can be created under the current subscription
  • Expiry Date: This is the expiration date of the current subscription
  • Last Refresh: The last time the subscription information was refreshed. Important: The system needs access to the internet at least a few minutes daily in order to refresh the subscription. If the subscription information cannot be checked, an attempt will continue to be made but if the subscription can still not be updated after 3 days, the subscription level will be set to disabled until the subscription can be refreshed once again.


Depending on the current subscription level, an admin user can turn off particular modules so that no access can be gained to them even though they are included in the current subscription. To make a module available, set the option beside it to “On” and set it to “Off” to make it unavailable. Note: Any module not included in the current subscription will be disabled and can neither be turned on or off.

Click “Edit” button once to edit the module settings and again to save it.

Click “Refresh Subscription Information” button to immediately refresh the subscription information. Note: If the software is installed locally and internet access is not always available, the “Refresh Subscription Information” button can be used to immediately refresh the subscription once a day.

Backup and Restore

The system allows the automatic (and manual) backup of data even while the system is being used, it also allows data recovery using the previously created backup file in order to minimise the risk of data loss. This screen allows the backing up and restoring of data, it also allows the setting of the backup frequency, time and location. Access the screen by Navigating to Admin > Configuration > Backup and Restore

Below is a description of the settings contained in this screen

  • Backup Frequency: This is the frequency with which backup is performed, it can be set to daily, weekly or monthly.
  • Backup Time: This is the approximate time of day when the automatic backup operation will be performed. It is recommended that this is set to a time when usage is light.
  • Backup Location: This is the location to which the backup data is saved and restored. Currently, only the default location is available (speak to your Bizsoft representative if you need to move the file from the backup location)
  • Edit Button: Click once to edit backup settings and again to save
  • Backup Now Button: Click this button to perform a backup operation immediately
  • Restore Button: Click this button to perform a restore operation. Ensure as much as practicable that no one is using the software (it is recommended that the server on which the software resides is restarted to be sure) otherwise the restore operation may fail. Note: If the restore operation was performed as a result of data loss as opposed to a roll back (performing a restore operation where no data loss has occurred) you will need to recreate employee logins (see next bullet point) and you will also need to inform your Bizsoft representative so that your subscription can be updated.
  • Recreate Logins Button: Click this button to create logins for all users registered on the “Users” screen using the default password (this password will have been provided by your Bizsoft representative during installation, if not speak to your representative)

Note: If restore operation fails due to data being accessed, log out of the system and ensure no one is using the system and try again in around 10 minutes

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