Navigate to the PAYROLL Report screen by clicking PAYROLL > Reports >PAYROLL Reports, click on the New button and follow the steps below
Step 1
- From: Select the start date for the report
- To: Select the end date for the report
- Selection Mode: Select “All” to report on all selection types (see below) or “Selection” to select a sub set of the current selection type
- Selection Type: This determines the items that will be shown when selection mode is set to “Selection”
- You may filter the result further by entering relevant filters for Name (Employee Name), Job Title, Department, Location and Job Categories. Apply your filter by pressing the “Search” button, otherwise click “Clear” to clear the filters
- Next Button: Click this button to move to the next step
- Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel the report creation process
Step 2
- Filter by name or component type if required
- Select the payroll components you want to include in the report up to a maximum of 10 items
- Next Button: Click this button to move to the next step
- Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel the report creation process
Step 3
- Set the report parameters as required
- Name: A unique name for the report, this name is also shown on the report header
- Report Type: The type of report you want
- Detailed: Shows aggregate information for all relevant employees
- Summarised: Shows aggregate information by the currently selected “Summarised Item”
- Group Employees: Determines whether employees are grouped by location and departments or just listed. This only applies to the detailed report type
- Summarised Item: The determines how relevant employees are summarised i.e. by department, job title etc.
- Move Up: Use this button to move up the currently selected item in the “Report field order” box up one level
- Move Down: Use this button to move up the currently selected item in the “Report field order” box down one level
- Export Report Button: Click to run the report in the selected format
- Save Report Button: Click this button to save the report for later use
- Close Button: Click this button to end the report creation process
BizsoftHRM Administrator