Employee Records

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  • Last Post 17 October 2019
tismail posted this 17 October 2019 - Last edited 17 October 2019

This screen displays the summary attendance information for all employees accessible to the currently logged in employee which can be clicked to display individual attendance entries.

From this screen you can add, edit or delete Employee Records

Note: You can view the currently punched in staff by using the “Punched In Staff” filter

Viewing Employee Record Details

Navigate to this screen by clicking Time > Attendance > Employee Records. This will display the total attendance duration held on record for all employees accessible to the currently logged in employee. The last column shows if the employee is currently punched in and can be useful in determining who is supposedly at work. Click on the employee name to view attendance details. Click the “Close” button to return to the summary page.

Note: Enter a date range and / or other parameters and click the “Search” button to limit the attendance records included.

Creating Employee Records

To create an Employee Record, navigate to Time > Attendance > Employee Records, Click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Punch In Date: This is the attendance start date
  • Punch In Time: This is the attendance start time
  • Punch In Note: Any related notes to the punch in event
  • Punch Out Date: This is the attendance end date
  • Punch Out Time: This is the attendance end time
  • Punch Out Note: Any related notes to the punch out event
  • Save Button: Click this button to save changes.
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.
Automatic Punch In / Punch Out

If the punch in and punch out dates straddle one or more days, then the system automatically logs the employee out at 11:59 PM and log them back in at 12:01 AM for each distinct day.

Editing Employee Records

To edit an Employee Record, navigate to Time > Attendance > Employee Records. Click on an Employee Record, and change the information as required (See Creating Employee Records). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.

Deleting Employee Records

To delete an Employee Record, navigate to Time > Attendance > Employee Records. Select the checkbox beside the Employee Record(s) you want to delete and the click the “Delete” button.


tismail posted this 17 October 2019 - Last edited 17 October 2019


This screen contains configuration settings specific to the Time module. From this screen you can change the following settings

  • Employee can change current time during punch in and punch out: Set this to “yes” to allow the time to be changeable when employees are using the Punch In / Punch Out screen otherwise set this to “no”.
  • Require employee location: Set this to “yes” to obtain the user’s location when they Punch In or Punch Out otherwise set this to “no”. Setting this option to “yes” adds a few seconds to the Punch In and Punch Out process and is set to “no” by default.
  • Timesheet basis: This determines how the time available for assignment among projects and task on the timesheet is determined. Select “Actual Hours” to base it on the actual hours recorded for the employee, otherwise it will be based on the total contracted hours for the employee calculated using the start and end times of the employee’s current shift.
  • Auto Clock-Out after: This is the maximum number of hours which an employee is allowed to stay clocked-in before being automatically clocked out. The default is 18 hours.
  • Remote Clock-in/Clock-out Confirmation: Set this to yes if you want the system to send a confirmation message to the employee once they have been successfully clocked in or out outside of the portal i.e. finger print machine, App etc
  • Lateness Alert: Set this to “yes” to alert relevant recipients when a user clocks-in late and outside of the grace period
  • Before Hours Alert: Set this to “yes” to alert relevant recipients when a user clocks-in before resumption time and outside of the grace period
  • After Hours Alert: Set this to “yes” to alert relevant recipients when a user clocks-in after closing time and outside of the grace period
  • Grace Period: This is the extra time (in minutes) within which an alert will not be sent for the relevant alert.
  • Send Attendance Alert To: Set to 1st Level Managers” to send alert to the employee’s immediate managers, “1st and 2nd Level Managers” to send alert to the employee’s immediate managers and the managers of each manager.
  • Other Recipients: Add recipients to the list who will get notification when an employee’s attendance alert is triggered. Enter part of an employee’s name and click the search button to search for the employee. Once found, click the “Add Recipient”

Import Records

The system supports bulk importation of employee attendance from a CSV file, this is provides a way to integrate the data provided by external time management systems such as magnetic cards or contactless cards where employees touch / swipe in and touch / swipe out as the leave the company premises. The system can process up to 1,000 individual attendance records at a time and such data is automatically validated and integrated into the system.

From this screen, you will be able to import attendance records using the provided CSV file. Follow the steps below to import attendance records

  • Navigate to the import attendance screen by clicking Time > Attendance > Import Records
  • Download the sample import file if you don’t already have it by clicking the link under the “Upload Steps” section. Note: If you have data extracted from a magnetic card reader or biometric device, you should download the “import file generator” instead. Once the file opens in Excel you must enable macros for it to work properly.
  • Fill in the fields using the field description below
    • FullName: This is the full name of the employee namely, first, middle and last name. This field is compulsory
    • PunchInDate: This is the attendance start date. This field is compulsory
    • PunchInTime: This is the attendance start time. This field is compulsory
    • PunchInNote: Any related notes to the punch in event
    • PunchOutDate: This is the attendance end date. This field is compulsory
    • PunchOutTime: This is the attendance end time. This field is compulsory
    • PunchOutNote: Any related notes to the punch out event
  • Save the file to a location of your choice
  • From the Import attendance screen, click the “browse” button
  • Select the save file from the chosen location
  • Click the “upload” button

The file will now be processed and you will be invited to download a file containing the result of the operation.

Note: If the import file contains more than 1,000 entries then only the first 1,000 entries will be processed. To process more than 1,000 entries, split into multiple upload files.

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