Load the Performance Appraisal Form by navigating to Performance > Appraisals > Employee Appraisals. Click the relevant employee, locate the relevant Appraisal and then click its name. From the ensuing screen, click the “View Appraisal Form” button. If the status of the appraisal, requires comments from the manager, then you will be able to enter comments and rate each objective depending on the current appraisal stage. Below is an explanation of the fields which can be found on this screen.

Objective Scorecard

  • Total Items measured: This is the total number of items being considered for a percentage type objective
  • Outcome: This is the actual outcome achieved by the employee in relation to the objective.

Example: If an objective requires the employee to have 1% returned sales, and the employee sold 100 items and 5 were returned, the Total items measured in this example is 100 and the outcome is 5

Subjective Evaluation

  • Completion Date: This is the date on which the objective was completed by the employee
  • Employee Comments: This field should be used by the employee to enter comments related to the relevant objective
  • Manager Comments: This field should be used by the manager to enter comments related to the relevant objective
  • Employee Final Comments: This field should be used by the employee to enter final comments related to the current appraisal
  • Manager Final Comments: This field should be used by the manager to enter final comments related to the current appraisal
  • Objective Rating: This specifies the rating for the current objective, select the relevant rating from the list.
  • Save Button: Click this button to save a draft copy of the form. Note: The form must be saved before any other action can be taken on it.
  • Submit / Activate /Initiate / Complete Button: This button’s function varies depending on the current performance appraisal stage. In each case, clicking this button will perform the action shown on the button
  • Return to Employee Button: This button return the form to the employee without advancing to the next stage in the appraisal process. This button can only be clicked by the Manager and should be used for situations where the manager wants the employee to make changes to his / her comments.
Performance Appraisal Stages

Below is a description of the various stages in the Performance Appraisal process

  • Created: This is the first stage of the appraisal process and each appraisal is assigned this status immediately after it is created
  • Initiated: This is the second stage of the appraisal process and signifies that the manager is happy with the objectives.
  • Agreed: The is the next stage in the appraisal process and signifies that the employee is happy with his / her objectives
  • Active: The next stage once an appraisal is “Agreed” is the “Active” stage where the employee can begin to enter his / her comments for the appraisal
  • Pending Employee Comments: This stage signifies that appraisal comments can currently be entered by the employee
  • Pending Manager Comments: This stage signifies that appraisal comments can currently be entered by the manager
  • Pending Employee Final Comments: This stage signifies that the employee can now enter his / her final comments
  • Pending Manager Final Comments: This stage signifies that the manager can now enter his / her final comments and assign a rating to each objective
  • Complete: This is the final stage of the appraisal process and no further change can be made

Note: The system will automatically send out reminders 2 weeks before the appraisal due date, another reminder will be sent a day before due date after which the appraisal status will automatically be set to “Pending Manager Final Comments” if the deadline date passes without submission