Creating Job Titles, please follow the steps below
To create a Job Title, navigate to Admin > Job > Job Titles, Click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below
- Organisational Head: Tick this box to specify that this role is the highest role in the organisation. Note: There can be only one job title specified as the organisational head at any one time and likewise only one employee can be assigned to such job title at any one time. If you specify a role as an organisational head the existing role currently specified as the organisational head will cease to be the organisational
- Job Title: This is the unique name of this job title
- Job Description: This is a brief description of the job title
- Job Specification: Attach a job specification document by click “Browse” then “Upload”.
Supported file types are doc, pdf, png, jpeg and gif and the maximum file size is 1MB
- Note: Use this to store notes about the
- Attachment: This will show a link once the job title is saved and a document is attached
- Save Button: Click this button to save
- Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel
BizsoftHRM Administrator