Creating New Role, please follow the steps below

To add a Role, from the Role History screen, click on the “Edit” button and then “Begin New Role” button. Note: If this is the employee’s first role, then the screen will already be in the “Add” mode so just fill in the necessary information as described below

  • Job Title: This is the job title for the current role, select the relevant title from the list
  • Employment Status: This is the employee’s employment status e. Permanent, Contract etc. Select the relevant status from the list
  • Job Category: This is the category under which the current role is grouped i.e. Managers, Executives, Senior Executives, Directors Select the relevant category from the list
  • Work Shift: This is the employee’s current work shift i.e. Full time, Part time etc. Select the relevant work shift from the list
  • Department: This is the department for the current role , select the relevant department from the list
  • Location: This is the company location / branch where this role is located, select the relevant location from the list
  • Start date: This is the commencement date for the role
  • End Date: This is the end date for the role. Note: Leave blank if the role is current
  • Comments: Any relevant comment

             Save Button: Click to save the Role History

                  BizsoftHRM Administrator