Creating Timesheet Details, please follow the steps below

To create a Timesheet Detail, navigate to Time > Timesheets > My Timesheet, locate the relevant timesheet and then click its name. Click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Client Name: Select the relevant client from the list. Note: A “General” is created by default which can be used to allocate time spent on non-specific client
  • Project Name: Select the relevant project from the list
  • Activity Name: Select the relevant activity from the list
  • Days of the Week: Input the relevant time spent for each day in the appropriate field. Note: The total hours recorded for the day is shown to the right of each field as a guide. You cannot enter a figure in the relevant field higher than the total hours recorded for each The hours are expressed in decimals not in hour and minutes i.e. 5 hours 30 minutes will be expressed as “5.50 Hrs” and this is how it should be entered in the relevant fields
  • Save Button: Click this button to save
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel