Job Applications

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  • Last Post 18 October 2019
tismail posted this 18 October 2019 - Last edited 03 April 2020

This screen allows the management of all job applications received both internally and externally. From here you can change the status of the application i.e. shortlist, schedule for interview etc. View the application form including attachments, you will also be able to print out a report showing the various applications grouped into relevant vacancies among other things

Creating Job Applications

To create a Job Application, navigate to Recruitment > Job Applications. Click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Fill in the required fields
    • Application Type: Select the application type from the list i.e. Internal or External
    • Employee Name: If the application is internal, enter the employee’s full name in this field. Alternatively, you can enter part of the name and click the “Search” link to retrieve matching employee names.
  • Select the relevant vacancy (Hint: Use the search fields to filter the vacancy list)
  • Read the information about the vacancy
  • Click on “Apply for Vacancy” and fill in the application form
  • Close Button: Use Close buttons to cancel the process and return to the previous screen
Updating Job Application Status

Once a job application is submitted, the status should be modified to reflect its progress in the recruitment process. To update a Job Application, navigate to Recruitment > Job Applications, locate the relevant Job Application and then click its name. Update the fields using the field descriptions below.

  • Current Status: This is the status to which the Job Application will be set once you click the save button. Select the relevant option from the list. The option available will differ depending on the current application status
    • Shortlisted: This option is available form submitted applications, it should be used for applications which you want to progress to the next stage in the recruitment process.
    • Interview Scheduled: Use this option to schedule an application for interview
    • Interview Passed: Select this option once an applicant has attended an interview and passed it
    • Interview Failed: Select this option once an applicant has attended an interview but failed it
    • Job Offered: Select this option once you decide to offer the applicant the job
    • Offer Accepted: Select this option once the job has been offered to the applicant and he / she has accepted the job offer
    • Offer Declined: Select this option once the job has been offered to the applicant but he / she declined the job offer
    • Hired: Select this option was the decision has been made to hire the applicant. Important: Once an application is marked as hired, an employee record will be created for the applicant using their personal information and the vacancy information. The record will still need to be updated with other relevant employee information. Where the applicant is internal then their job role will be automatically updated with the new role
    • Rejected: Select this option to reject the application and end the recruitment process for that particular application.
  • Interview Stage: Select the relevant interview stage from the list
  • Interview Date: Enter the date for the interview
  • Interview Time: Enter the time for the interview
  • Interviewer: Enter the full name of the employee conducting the interview. Alternatively, enter part of the name and click the “Search link.
  • Add Interviewer Button: Use this button to add the employee name currently in the “Interviewer” field to the interviewers list. Note: To add multiple interviewers, enter each name and click the “Add Interviewer” button
  • Remove Interviewers: Click this button to remove the currently selected interviewer (on the interviewers list)
  • Interviewers: This is the list of interviewers
  • Comments: Any relevant comment
  • Save Button: Use this button to save the new Job Application status
  • Cancel Button: Use this button to cancel the process
  • View Application Form: Use this button to view the application form for this job application 
Updating multiple Job Application Status

This functionality works the same way as above but instead of having to change the status one at a time, you can select all the relevant applications and then click the “Change Status” button. Follow the same steps as above on the ensuing screen. Note: You can only select applications with the same status otherwise you would get an error message.

Deleting Job Applications

To delete a Job Application, navigate to Recruitment > Vacancies > Job Application Pool. Select the checkbox beside the Job Application(s) you want to delete and the click the “Delete” button


tismail posted this 18 October 2019 - Last edited 03 April 2020

Scheduling Aptitude Tests

To schedule an aptitude test for an applicant, tick the boxes beside the relevant job applications and then click the “Schedule for test” button. From the ensuing screen, select the appropriate applicant test and then click the “Schedule Test” button to schedule the test otherwise click the “Close” button.

Rejecting multiple applications

There may be instances where a user wants to reject multiple applications without doing so individually. To do this, from the “Job Applications” screen, mark the relevant job applications and click the “Reject” button

Sending job applications for manager review

This feature allows an employee such as HR to select job applications and send it to a manager for review. To do so, please follow the steps below

  • Navigate to Recruitment > Job Applications
  • Select the relevant job applications
  • Click the “Send to Manager” button
  • From the ensuing screen, enter part of the name of the manager
  • Click the search link
  • Select the appropriate employee or manager
  • Click the “Send to manager” button
Viewing job applications received for review

When job applications are sent to a manager for review, the relevant manager can view the applications by clicking on the link contained in the notification email and logging in. Alternatively, you can login directly to the portal and follow the steps below

  • Navigate to Recruitment > Job Applications
  • In the search section, change the “Status” dropdown to “For my attention”
  • Click the “Search” button
Export all attachments for job applications

This feature allows a user to get all attachments relevant to any job application without having to go into the application and view the form. To download all attachments relating to selected job applications in a zip file, select the relevant applications, click on “Download Attachments” the system will save all the relevant attachments into a zip folder and make it available for download.

Adding attachments

To attach a document, Click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Attachment Description: This is the unique name for the attachment
  • Description: A brief description of the document
  • Attachment: This is the location of the attachment
  • Browse Button: Click this button to select an attachment using the file system
  • Upload Button: Click this button to upload the file to the server
  • Save Button: Click this button to save changes.
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.
Editing Attachments

To edit an Attachment, click on an Attachment, and change the information as required (See Creating Attachments). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.

Deleting Attachments

To delete an Attachment, select the checkbox beside the Attachment(s) you want to delete and the click the “Delete” button.

Application History

This section on the Job Application Status Update screen lets you see the history for the current job application.

Toggle Archive Status

Once an application has completed the recruitment process either by being rejected or marked as hired, you can mark the application as archived so that it is not shown in the default view. To change the archive status of an application, select the checkbox beside the Job Application(s) you want to archive or un-archive and the click the “Toggle Archive Status” button.

Exporting Job Applications

You can export the vacancies in view to Microsoft Word, Excel or Adobe PDF. To do this, from the Job Applications screen, select the relevant format and click the “Export” button.

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