This screen allows the management of payroll deductions and the viewing of associated payment. Deductions are automatically reviewed as part of the payroll process and relevant payments are automatically fed into employee payroll. From this screen you can add, edit or delete deductions
Creating new Deductions
To create a deduction, navigate to PIM > Payroll > Manage Deductions. Click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below
- Deduction Name: This is the unique name of the current deduction.
- Employee Name: This is the employee to which the deduction relates. You can enter part of the employee’s name and then click the search link to search for matching employees.
- Deduction Type: Select “Fixed”, “Amortized” or “Unpaid days” as the deduction type
- Fixed: Use this for deductions which are not repayments such as employee lateness deduction
- Amortized: Use this for deductions which have a reducing balance based on payments made such as loans
- Unpaid Days: Use this for deductions based on number of days. The system will automatically prorate the relevant employee’s salary based on the start and end days for the unpaid days.
- Existing Deduction: Select “Yes” if you are creating a deduction which already exist and deductions have already been taken but just now being entered into the system otherwise select “No”. Selecting “Yes” allows the user to provide the start and end dates for the amortised loan then have the system work out the unamortised balance.
- Principal: This is the initial value of an amortized deduction such as loan
- Amount: This is the amount to be deducted from employee pay each month
- Expiry Date: This is the date on which a deduction no longer gets deducted from employee pay. Note this does not apply to “Unpaid Days” type deductions
- Start Date: This is the date from which the deduction will be applied
- End Date: This is date after which an unpaid days type deduction will stop being applied. Note: this does not apply to other deduction types
- Status: Select “Active” or “Expired” as the deduction status
- Active: A deduction which is included in future pay cycles
- Expired: A deduction which does not get included in future pay cycles
- Click the “Save” button to save the deduction
- Click “Cancel” button to discard changes
- Click “View Payments” to view payments which have been made by the relevant employee under the current deduction
Note: Deduction name is unique per employee which means the same deduction name can be used for different employees
Editing Deductions
To edit a deduction, navigate to PIM > Payroll > Manage Deductions. Click on a deduction, click the “Edit” button and change the information as required (See Creating deductions). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.
Deleting Deductions
To delete a deduction, navigate to PIM > Payroll > Manage Deductions. Select the checkbox beside the deduction(s) you want to delete and the click the “Delete” button.
Importing Deductions
To import multiple deductions, navigate to PIM > Payroll > Manage Deductions, click the import button and follow the upload steps. You may find it useful to download existing deductions and then make modifications or add new deductions. To do so, in the “Generate deduction CSV” section, select the appropriate options and click the “Download deduction CSV” button.
Viewing Payments
During each pay cycle, the system deducts relevant deductions from employee pay. Click the “View Payments” button to view all payments made by relevant employees based on current search filters.