Manage Workmate Appraisals

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  • Last Post 05 June 2020
admin posted this 04 December 2019 - Last edited 31 May 2021

This screen allows the management of Workmate Appraisals for employees. Workmate Appraisals provide a means of getting other employees to appraise the employee being evaluated, it helps provide what is known as a 360 degrees review when combined with the performance appraisal (See Performance Appraisals). From this screen, you will be able to create, edit and delete Workmate Appraisals.

 Creating Workmate Appraisals

To create a Workmate Appraisal, navigate to Performance > Workmate Appraisals > Manage Workmate Appraisals. Click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Employee: Select the name of the employee being appraised. Enter part of the name then click the “Search” link to match the name from saved records.
  • Appraisal Name: Once the name of the employee is found (after clicking the “Search” link), the appraisals relevant to that employee will be listed, select one from the list
  • Appraisal Deadline: Once an appraisal is selected, the relevant deadline for the appraisal will be shown here.
  • Deadline: This is the date by which the Workmate Appraisal must be completed by the respondent, the workmate appraisal will no longer be available after the deadline date
  • Respondent: Enter the name of a respondent and click the “Search” link to match the name from record. If the respondent is external, enter their full email address instead.
  • Add / Remove Respondent Button: Use these buttons to add or remove a respondent. You can add up to a maximum of 20 respondents per workmate appraisal
  • Save Button: Click this button to save changes.
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.


Editing Workmate Appraisals

To edit a Workmate Appraisal, navigate to Performance > Workmate Appraisals > Manage Workmate Appraisals. Locate the relevant Workmate Appraisal then click on the Workmate Appraisal and change the information as required (See Creating Workmate Appraisals). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes. Note: Certain fields are restricted after a workmate appraisal has been issued. No further edit is possible once the main appraisal related to the workmate appraisal is completed.

Deleting Workmate Appraisals

To delete a Workmate Appraisal, navigate to Performance > Workmate Appraisals > Manage Workmate Appraisals. Select the checkbox beside the Workmate Appraisal(s) you want to delete and then click the “Delete” button.

Sending Appraisals

Draft appraisals can be issued with one click of a button by navigating to Performance > Workmate Appraisals > Manage Workmate Appraisals. Tick the check boxes next to each relevant appraisal and click the “Send to Respondents” button.

Automatic generation of respondents

The system supports the ability to randomly select respondents based on set criteria for workmate appraisal which have not being issued (draft status), this further increases the objectivity of the process. To use this feature, follow the steps below

  • Navigate to Performance > Workmate Appraisals > Manage Workmate Appraisals, select the relevant workmate appraisals by ticking the check box next to it.
  • Click the “Generate Respondents” button.
  • On the ensuing screen, fill out the information required
    • No of Respondents: This is the total number of respondents that will be added to the appraisal
    • Respondent Type: Use this option to determine which type of respondent will be added ie Subordinates, Managers, Peers etc.
    • Clear Existing Respondents: Select “Yes” to clear existing respondents before adding the randomly selected ones. Selecting “No” will keep the existing respondents in place and add the randomly selected ones subject to the value entered for the “No of Respondents” field. Note: If the existing respondents equals or is greater than the No of Respondents, no new recipients will be added.

Export Workmate Appraisal

The Workmate Appraisal report shows the analysis of the responses contained in relevant appraisals using easy to understand charts. Access the report by navigating to Performance > Workmate Appraisals > Manage Workmate Appraisals. Use the filter fields to filter the results if required, select the export document type and then click the “Export Report” button

Clone Workmate Appraisal

The system allows a user to clone an existing workmate appraisal. To do so, access the report by navigating to Performance > Workmate Appraisals > Manage Workmate Appraisals. Locate the relevant Workmate Appraisal then click on the “Clone” link and fill in the relevant information on the ensuing screen (See creating workmate appraisals)

Resend Workmate Appraisal Link

Once an appraisal has been issued, a notification will be sent to all respondents containing a unique link for completing the appraisal. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to resend the appraisal link to a specific respondent. To do so, access the report by navigating to Performance > Workmate Appraisals > Manage Workmate Appraisals. Locate the relevant Workmate Appraisal then click on the “Resend Link” link. On the ensuing screen, select the relevant respondent and then click the “Send” button to resend the respondent’s unique link to their email address. Note links can only be resent for uncompleted workmate appraisals which have not expired.

BizsoftHRM Administrator

admin posted this 05 June 2020 - Last edited 10 October 2020

 Managing Workmate Appraisal Questions

Before you can issue a survey, you must add at least one survey question

Adding Workmate Appraisal Questions

From the employee survey manage screen, click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Question Name: This is the unique name for the question. Note name must be unique within the same workmate appraisal
  • Display Text: This is the full question text which will be shown to the respondent
  • Question Type: A question can be positive or negative. A negative question flips the response value. For example, a “disagree” option could mean 1 normally while an “agree” option could mean a 3. However, if the question is negative, then a “disagree” will mean a 3 and an “agree” will mean a 1
  • Scope: This specifies who can view this question. Select “Internal” to make it visible to just employees, select “External” to make it visible to just non-employees and select “Both” to make it visible to all respondents.
  • Required: This can be a “Yes” or “No” to specify if the question must be answered before the form can be submitted.

Editing Workmate Appraisal Questions

From the employee workmate appraisal manage, locate the relevant workmate appraisal question then click on the workmate appraisal question, on the ensuing screen, click the “Edit” button and change the information as required (See Adding Workmate Appraisal Questions). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.

Deleting Workmate Appraisal Questions

From the employee workmate appraisal manage screen, Select the checkbox beside the workmate appraisal question(s) you want to delete and then click the “Delete” button.

Note: Questions can no longer be modified once a workmate appraisal has been issued (sent to respondents)

BizsoftHRM Administrator

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