This screen allows you to specify preferred answers (match rule) to form specific questions, and a match percentage will be calculated for each application based on the number of answers given by the applicant which match the pre-defined answers. Matching rules help save time by providing the ability to rank applications by match percentage thus ensuring the hiring manager can focus on applications which best match his / her criteria. From this screen, you can manage Matching Rules.
Creating Matching Rules
To create a Matching Rule, navigate to Recruitment > Vacancies > Matching Rules. Select the relevant application form and from the ensuing screen click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below
- Question Name: Select a question from the list for which you want to set matching rules
- Question Text: This is a read-only field which shows the text for the selected question
- Match Type: This is the type of matching that will be done on the selected question. The options shown depend of the type of question selected. Below are the possible options
- Equal: The system matches a form answer which is exactly the same as the criteria provided
- Not Equal: The system matches a form answer which is not exactly the same as the criteria provided
- Like: The system matches a form answer which contains the criteria provided
- Less Than: The system matches a form answer which is less than the criteria provided
- Greater Than: The system matches a form answer which is greater than the criteria provided
- Less than or equal: The system matches a form answer which is less than or equal to the criteria provided
- Greater than or equal: The system matches a form answer which is greater than or equal to the criteria provided
- Between: The system matches a form answer (usually a number) which is between the 1st and 2nd criteria provided
- Single Date: The system matches a form answer which is exactly the same date as the criteria provided
- Date Range: The system matches a form answer (usually a date) which is between the 1st and 2nd criteria provided
- Criteria: This is the answer to which the form question will be matched
- From: This is the 1st criteria when match type is “Date Range”
- To: This is the 2nd criteria when match type is “Date Range”
- Between: This is the 1st criteria when match type is “Between”
- And: This is the 2nd criteria when match type is “Between”
- Save Button: Click this button to save changes.
- Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.
Editing Matching Rules
To edit a Matching Rule, navigate to Recruitment > Vacancies > Matching Rules. Click on the relevant form and from the ensuing screen, identify the relevant matching rule, click it and change the information as required (See Creating Matching Rules). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.
Deleting Matching Rules
To delete a Matching Rule, navigate to Recruitment > Vacancies > Matching Rules. Click on the relevant form and from the ensuing screen, select the checkbox beside the relevant Matching Rule(s) you want to delete and the click the “Delete” button.