Creating New Memberships

To add a Membership, from the Membership screen, click on the “Add” button

  • Membership: Select the relevant membership from the drop down list
  • Subscription Paid By: Select the relevant party which pays the subscription from the drop down list
  • Subscription Amount: The amount of the subscription paid
  • Currency: This is the currency in which the subscription is paid
  • Commencement Date: This is the start date for the membership subscription
  • Renewal Date: This is the date by which the membership subscription must be renewed. Note: The system will alert the relevant manager(s) through the dashboard a shortly before the expiration date
  • Save Button: Click to save the Membership
Editing Memberships

To edit a Memberships entry, navigate to this screen by clicking Memberships on the side navigation panel. Click on a Memberships entry and change the information as required (See Creating Memberships). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.

Deleting Memberships

To delete a Membership, navigate to this screen by clicking Memberships on the side navigation panel. Select the checkbox beside the Memberships(s) you want to delete and the click the “Delete” button