This section contains the notification screen from where you can enable or disable different system notifications. This section contains the following screens

  • System Notifications
  • Custom Notifications

System Notification

This screen allows a user with appropriate permissions to enable or disable individual system notifications. Below is a description of the settings on this screen.

  • Leave Notifications: Set to “yes” to enable leave notification to be sent when employee leaves are assigned or approved and “no” to disable them.
  • Timesheet Notifications: Set to “yes” to enable a notification to be sent when employee timesheets are approved or rejected and “no” to disable them.
  • Training Notifications: Set to “yes” to enable notifications to be sent when trainings are approved or assigned and “no” to disable them.
  • Performance Notifications: Set to “yes” to enable notifications for performance appraisals status changes and “no” to disable them.
  • Job Application Notifications: Set to “yes” to enable notifications for job application status changes and “no” to disable them.
  • Payroll Notification: Set to “yes” to enable notifications when the pay cycle is run and “no” to disable them.
  • Birthday and Anniversary Notifications: Set to “yes” to enable the system send notifications to colleagues and celebrants on relevant birthday and work anniversary dates. Note: Alert is sent to the celebrant, his colleagues (people in same department and people reporting to same manager) and his managers. Set to “Global Alert Recipients only” to send the alert to employees listed on the Global Alert Recipient list. Note that in addition to relevant recipients, employees on relevant notification group will also receive an alert.

Note: For this notification, Global Alert Recipients will only be notified is that option is explicitly selected

  • Message greeting format: This determines how the system greets the recipient when emails or SMS notifications are sent.
  • Send system notifications by: Set to “Email” to use email as a notification medium otherwise set to SMS to use text messages. Note: The system sends out a lot of alerts which will use your SMS credit balance so it is recommended that you set “Email” as your delivery method and then specify that SMS be used if email is unavailable (see next bullet).
  • Use SMS if Email is unavailable: Set this to “Yes” if you want the system to send a notification to a user via text message where it is unable to send such notification via email.
  • Restrict Approvals To: Set to “Subordinates Only” to show only applications by immediate subordinates on the dashboard otherwise select “All accessible employees” to show applications by all employees accessible by the logged in user.
  • Send Leave Approval Alert To: Set to “Employee Only” to send alert to the employee only, “Employee and 1st Level Managers” to send alert to the employee and his / her immediate managers, “Employee, 1st and 2nd Level Managers” to send alert to the employee, his / her immediate managers and the managers of each manager.
  • Global Alert Recipients: Add recipients to the list who will get regardless of their role. Enter part of an employee’s name and click the search button to search for the employee. Once found, click the “Add Recipient”
  • Edit Button: Click once to edit the notification settings and again to save.

Note: Each notification has a corresponding “Send by SMS if allowed” option. Set these individually to determine if the relevant notification will be sent by SMS where other settings and SMS balance allow for it. Each notification also has a “Notification Group” option; select a previously defined notification group to have members of the group get key notification events (see Notification Events under Notification Groups for more information) for the relevant notification type.

Added Option to turn on/off Digital Application Notification

This feature gives users an option to turn on or turn off digital application notifications.