This screen allows you to export the necessary information to make payroll payments to employees through the company banking platform. This screen also allows the user to specify the file headers and column order. From this screen, the user can create multiple bank profiles to handle uploads to different bank portals. Note: The default profile is for GTB; user will need to setup additional profiles in line with the relevant bank.
Creating Bank Profiles
To create a Bank Profile, navigate to PIM > Reports > Payroll Bank Export, click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below
- Payment Amount Field: This is the amount that will be credited to the employee’s account
- Payment Date Field: This is the date of payment
- Reference Field: This is the reference which will be attached to the payment
- Remarks Field: This is the remark which will be attached to the payment
- Employee ID Field: This is the employee ID
- Employee Name Field: This is the name of the employee to be paid.
- Bank Account Field: This is the employee’s bank account number
- Bank Sort Code: This is the sort code of the employee’s bank account
- Payroll Period: This is the pay period for which you want to export information (default is prior period)
- Export Type: This is the format to which the output file will be exported.
- Country: This is the country in which the employees to be paid work. Select the relevant country from the list
- Pay Currency: This is the currency in which payment is to be made. Select the relevant currency from the list
- Location: This is the company location for which payment is being made. Select the relevant location from the list or select “All” to make payment to all relevant locations (Default).
- Edit Button: Click this button to make changes to the field names and then press again to save changes.
- Reset Button: Click this button to reset the field names to their default settings.
- Export Button: Click this button to create the export file in the selected format.
Tick the check box beside each field to determine if they will be included in the output file or not. Use the drop down beside each field to determine the order of the columns
Editing Bank Profiles
To edit a Bank Profile, navigate to PIM > Reports > Payroll Bank Export. Click on a Bank Profile, and change the information as required (See Creating Bank Profiles). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.
Deleting Bank Profiles
To delete a Bank Profile, navigate to PIM > Reports > Payroll Bank Export. Select the checkbox beside the Bank Profile(s) you want to delete and the click the “Delete” button.
Generating Bank Export File
From the Payroll Bank Export screen, select the relevant profile, set the “Data Export” settings and click the “Export” button. The system will automatically generate the correct CSV, XLS or XLSX file for the selected options which can then be uploaded through the bank’s online banking platform ready for review before payment to employees. Important: Select the save option when the file download is ready and save to preferred location before opening the file. Saving using Excel will get rid of leading zeros which will cause validation problems for account numbers