Reporting methods are defined ways by which an employee reports to another employee. It is usually direct or indirect but there may also be other methods defined by the organisation and they are used to show the link two types of employee relationships namely

  • Manager: This is someone the employee reports to who is responsible for managing that employee directly, indirectly or in some other capacity.
  • Subordinate: This is someone who reports to the employee and for who the employee is responsible for managing directly, indirectly or in some other capacity.

From this screen you can add, edit or delete a Reporting Method

Creating Reporting Methods

To create a Reporting Method, navigate to PIM > Configuration > Reporting Methods, Click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Reporting Method Name: This is the unique name of this Reporting Method
  • Description: This is the brief description of the reporting method
  • Save Button: Click this button to save changes.
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.
Editing Reporting Methods

To edit a Reporting Method, navigate to PIM > Configuration > Reporting Methods. Click on a Reporting Method and change the information as required (See Creating Reporting Methods). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.

Deleting Reporting Methods

To delete a Reporting Method, navigate to PIM > Configuration > Reporting Methods. Select the checkbox beside the Reporting Method(s) you want to delete and the click the “Delete” button.