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  • Last Post 07 October 2019
tismail posted this 07 October 2019 - Last edited 07 October 2019

The system has the ability to be updated automatically (or manually) with new functionality and enhancements to existing functionality thus ensuring that your software remains relevant and keeps up with new technologies. This screen allows the setting of the automatic update schedule and also allows a user to manually update the system. Below is a description of the settings on this screen

  • Automatic Updates: This enables automatic updates when set to “On” and disables it when set to “Off”. Important: Bizsoft solutions will provide updates to the software from time to time to fix identified issues, update or introduce functionality and it is strongly advised that you leave automatic updates enabled. Note: Some updates may be required to ensure that the software continues to operate properly.
  • Update Installation Time: This is the approximate time of day when the Bizsoft servers will be checked and an update installed if one is found. It is advised that this is set to a time when usage is light and internet connectivity is available.
  • Edit Button: Click once to edit update configuration and again to save
  • Check for Updates Button: Click to immediately check for updates, if an update is found, the button changes to “Update Now” and clicking it will schedule the update for installation.
  • View Update History: This loads the “Update History” screen (see below)

Fig 6.48 – System update screen


Update History

This screen provides information on the changes in the current version of the software and changes in previous versions. Click the close button when done to return to the update screen

Background Tasks

Background tasks is a very powerful feature of Bizsoft HRM which allows long running tasks to be performed automatically in the background by the background agent without requiring the user to wait for the task completion. This screen allows authorised users to view, suspend, resume or remove scheduled tasks. Below is a description of some of the information contained on this screen

  • Task Name: This is the name of the background task
  • Creator: This is the user whose action created the task
  • Type: This is the task type as explained below
    • System: These are tasks generated automatically by the system or as a result of user action. System tasks cannot be deleted, suspended or otherwise modified.
    • User: These are tasks generated as a result of a user action. User tasks can be modified, suspended or removed by their creator or an Admin user.
  • Frequency: This is the frequency with which the task is performed, it can be once, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
  • Status: This is the current status of the background task
    • Scheduled: This task is waiting to be performed and will be run the next time the background agent polls for tasks after its runtime stamp
    • Suspended: This task is currently suspended and will not be run until resumed
    • Running: This task is currently being performed
    • Completed: This task has been completed
    • Notified: This task has been completed and the creator has been notified. Note: Not all tasks can have this status.
  • Runtime Stamp: This is the time when the task is scheduled to run, the task will run the next time the background agent polls for task and the runtime has been passed.
  • Start & End Time: The time the task was actually run and completed respectively
  • Result: The summary result of the task.


tismail posted this 07 October 2019 - Last edited 07 October 2019

Below is a description of the buttons on this screen and what they do.

  • Resume Button: This button resumes a suspended user task by changing its status to “Scheduled”
  • Suspend Button: This button prevents a user task from running by changing its status to “Suspended”
  • Reschedule: This button allows the user to reschedule a failed notification task. A notification task is one that send a notification to a user usually through email, it also includes tasks which handles scheduled reporting. Rescheduling allows the system to attempt to send email or notification again in a case where it previously failed usually due to connectivity issues
  • Remove: This button removes a user task
  • Clear Notified: This button removes all completed tasks that have notified their creator or cannot have the notified status.


Bizsoft HRM employs themes as a way of presenting a consistent look and feel across the various screens of the software. This screen allows you to change the current theme applied across the system. Below is a description of the settings available from this screen

  • Current Theme: This is the theme currently applied
  • Preview: This is a preview of what the currently selected theme looks like
  • Edit Button: Click once to allow theme changing and again to apply the selected theme.

Dashboard Configuration

The text metrics on the dashboard which the user sees once logged in shows vital information about the workforce, it employs a visual colour scheme known as the RAG system (Red, Amber, Green). This system makes it easy for the user to determine if a metric requires attention or not. Below is a description of the RAG system

  • Green: This means the metric is normal and no action is required
  • Amber: The metric should be watched as it has deviated from normal conditions
  • Red: This metric requires attention and should be considered

The system operates the RAG system based on defaults set. However, some organisations may want different thresholds for each of the RAG categories, this screen allows a user to set such thresholds to meet their organisational needs

The thresholds can be set using the information below

  • Red When < : The relevant metric will be red when its value is less than this figure
  • Amber When >= : This figure is the lower threshold for the Amber colour and it is automatically set
  • But
  • Green When < : The relevant metric will be green when its value is less than this figure

Note: Only two colours can have thresholds set for each metric, the threshold for the third colour is automatically determined by the system based on the two thresholds set by the user.

Location Exclusion

This setting allows you to select one or more locations which will be excluded when the system calculates headcount, turnover rates, leavers and joiners. It also affects the following metrics on the dashboard; Total Employees, Unconfirmed Employees, Staff Turnover and 1st year leavers.

The setting has the following options

  • None: This excludes not location
  • Selected: Excludes the selected locations

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