User Roles

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  • Last Post 02 October 2019
admin posted this 02 October 2019 - Last edited 02 October 2019

This screen allows the management of user roles which determine what a user can and cannot do while logged in to the system. It gives you detailed control over the permissions a user has for each screen based on the role attached to their username.  From this screen you can add, edit or delete user roles.


The system has 4 base user roles (Other roles can be created with different permissions) representing different users of the system. Important: If modification to a base role is required then we strongly advise that you create new roles based on the relevant base role then modify the permissions for the newly created role as required and then assign relevant users to the new roles. That way, if you still have the default permissions for the base roles intact.


This user by default has system wide access to all modules and screens (Actual access may be different if this role has been modified). See Appendix A for default Access for the base roles. This role is intended for Administrators of the system only.

HR User

This user by default has access to all HR functions on the system (Actual access may be different if this role has been modified). See Appendix A for default Access for the base roles. This roles is intended for HR staff only.

Employee Manager

This user by default has access to his/her details and can manage the details of his/her subordinates (Actual access may be different if this role has been modified). See Appendix A for default Access for the base roles. Use this role for employees who are not suitable for Admin and HR User roles but who have subordinates they manage.

Employee User

This user by default has access to his/her details only (Actual access may be different if this role has been modified). See Appendix A for default Access for the base roles. Use this role for employees who are not suitable for Admin and HR User and have no subordinates they manage.


BizsoftHRM Administrator

admin posted this 02 October 2019

Creating User Role

To create a role navigate to Admin > User Management > User Roles. Click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Role Name: This is the unique name for the role. Note: You will be unable to change the role name once saved.
  • Scope: This is the organisational coverage the role will possess. Note: It is only relevant for roles which have the “Manage Employee” permission.
    • Global: Allows access to all employees across the organisation
    • Regional: Allows access to all employees in the same region (this is determined by the setting on the region screen) as the employee to which this role is assigned
    • National: Allows access to all employees in the same country as the employee to which this role is assigned
    • Local: Allows access to all employees in the same location as the employee to which this role is assigned
    • Custom: Allows access to employees in selected location(s)
  • Preset Role: This is the existing role on which the initial permissions of the role is based. As an example if you need to create a role for training manager, you could select HR user as the preset role and then remove all unnecessary permissions from the role.
  • Module: This is the current module for which sections are populated in the “Sections” dropdown
  • Section: This is the current section for which screen permissions are displayed in the “Screen” section
  • View Permissions: Check this box to give the current role permission access to the relevant module, section, function or screen
  • Add Permissions: Check this box to give the current role permission to add new entries to the relevant screen
  • Edit Permissions: Check this box to give the current role permission to add modify existing entries from the relevant screen
  • Delete Permissions: Check this box to give the current role permission to delete existing entries from the relevant screen
  • Function: This list special functions for which permission can be given
    • Add Employee: This permission is required to be able to add an employee
    • Approve On Assignment: This permission determines if a leave is automatically approved when assigned to another employee by users attached to this role.
    • Change Password: This permission is required to change user password
    • Delete Employee: This permission is required to be able to delete an employee
    • Manage Employee: This permission allows the user access to employees based on the selected scope
    • Mange Vacancy: This permission is required to be able to Add, Edit or delete Application Forms and Vacancies which are created by another user.
    • Terminate Employee: This permission is required to be able to terminate an employee
    • Access Employee Bank Details: This permission is required for a user to be able to see the bank detail section of an employee’s profile
    • Access Employee Earnings: This permission is required for a user to be able to see the employee earnings section of an employee’s profile
    • Access Employee PIM: This permission is required for a user to be able to see employee profiles other than their own
    • Approval is final: This permission allows the user to give final leave approval regardless of the current level of approval and how many levels of approvals there are.
    • Approve Payslips: This permission is required for a user to approve payroll pay cycles
    • Change Appraisal Status: This permission allows a user to change the current status of an employee’s appraisal
    • Change Profile Picture: This permission allows the change of profile picture even when 'Edit' permission to the 'Personal Details' screen is not possessed by the user
    • Change User Role: This permission is required to enable a change of user role by the user
    • Create Employee Earnings: This permission allows a user to create and save earnings for new employees (i.e. employees with no previously saved earnings).
    • Global Leave Approver: This permission allows a user to approve leave for any employee regardless of reporting line or scope
    • Manage Digital Application: This permission is required by a user to view digital applications other than theirs and ones that have their name on as an approver
  • Save Button: Click this button to save changes.
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.


Editing User Roles

To edit a user role, navigate to Admin > User Management > User Roles. Click on a user role and change the information as required (See Creating Roles). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes. Note: You cannot modify the role name.

Deleting User Roles

To delete a user role, navigate to Admin > User Management > User Roles. Select the checkbox beside the user role(s) you want to delete and the click the “Delete” button. Note: You cannot delete the base user roles – Admin, HR User, Employee Manager and Employee User.


BizsoftHRM Administrator

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