
  • Topic Is Locked
  • Last Post 02 October 2019
admin posted this 02 October 2019 - Last edited 02 October 2019

This screen allows the creation and management of user logins depending on the currently logged on user’s permissions.  From this screen you can add, edit and delete users, you can also reset user passwords from this screen.


Creating Users

To create a user navigate to Admin > User Management > Users. Click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Username: This is the username with which the relevant employee will login in with. You can make this their employee ID, a derivation of their name or some other unique name. Note – You will be unable to change the username once it has been created.
  • Employee Name: Enter the relevant employee’s full name here, you may enter part of the employee’s name and then click the search link to get a list of matched employees from which you can select.
  • Role: This is the role whose associated permissions will be granted to the employee. Important – Please give thought to the role assigned as it will determine what the employee can and cannot do across the system (See User Roles section for more details about roles)
  • Status: This determines if the username is “Enabled”, “Disabled” or “Locked”. Note: When an employee is locked out because they have reach the maximum allowed number of failed logins, you can unlock their account by setting their status to “Active”
  • Password Never Expires: This determines if the user passwords expires after sometime (depending on your settings – see “Authentication Config”) or not.
  • Email: Enter the employee’s email address. Note - Email addresses must be unique
  • New Password: Enter the password for the account. Note – Employee will automatically be asked to change this password the first time they login unless you have set “Password Never Expires” to “Yes”
  • Confirm Password: Re- enter the password for the account
  • Save Button: Click this button to save changes.
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.
  • Reset Password Button: Click this button to reset the employee’s password. Note: The password will be reset to the password entered in the “New Password” field. This button is only available to a user with the “Reset Password” permission.
  • Manage external logins: Click this button to go to the manage external login screen (see below)



You can alternatively get the system to automatically create users by following the steps below

  • Navigate to Admin > User Management > Users
  • Click the “View employees with no access” button
  • From the ensuing list, select the relevant employees
  • Click on “Create User(s)”

Please note the following

  • The system will only create usernames and passwords for employees who have a “work email” on files
  • The system will create the username by merging the employee’s first initial and last name
  • Employees with at least one subordinate will be assigned “Employee Manager” role while others will be assigned “Employee User” role

BizsoftHRM Administrator

admin posted this 02 October 2019

Editing Users

To edit a user, navigate to Admin > User Management > Users. Click on an employee username, click the “Edit” button on the ensuing screen and change the information as required (See Creating Users). To change the user password, check the “Change Password” checkbox and change the information as required. When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.

Deleting Users

To delete a user, navigate to Admin > User Management > Users. Select the checkbox beside the username(s) you want to delete and the click the “Delete” button. Important: This action is irreversible and once you delete a username, the associated employee loses access to the system. To restore access, you will need to recreate a user entry for them. Consider disabling the username if there is a possibility the employee might require access at a later date.

Viewing Employees with no access

To view employees who currently don not have a username and password created on the system, navigate to Admin > User Management > Users. Click the “View Employees with no access” button

Resetting User Passwords

To reset a user password, navigate to Admin > User Management > Users. Click on an employee username, click the “Edit” button on the ensuing screen, put a tick in the “Change Password” checkbox, enter the new password and re-enter it then click the “Reset Password” button. Click “Ok” on the dialog box to complete the process. Note – Employee will automatically be asked to change this password the next time they login unless you have set “Password Never Expires” to “Yes”

Managing external logins

The system allows users to login with your Facebook or Google accounts to allow for easy access to the system without having to remember their Bizsoft HRM username and password. This functionality requires the system to link the user’s Facebook or Google account to his / her Bizsoft HRM account. This screen allows a user to see which external account(s) are linked to their Bizsoft HRM account and gives them the ability to remove the link by clicking the delete button beside the relevant external account.

Note: You will be logged out if you remove any external login from your account

BizsoftHRM Administrator

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