Employee Appraisals

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  • Last Post 02 December 2019
tismail posted this 18 October 2019 - Last edited 24 March 2021

This screen allows the management of performance appraisals for employees. From this screen, you will be able to create, edit and delete performance appraisals and objectives. Note: A user is only able to view the performance appraisals for their direct reports unless they have the “Manage Appraisals” permission in which case they can view all accessible employees

Creating Appraisals

To create an Appraisal, navigate to Performance > Appraisals > Employee Appraisals. Locate the relevant employee and click the name, from the ensuing screen click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Name: This is the unique Appraisal name
  • Period Start: This the beginning of the period covered by the appraisal
  • Period End: This is the end of the period covered by the appraisal
  • Deadline: This is the date by which the appraisal must be completed
  • Comment: Enter any comment you want shown with the appraisal
  • Load attachments: Click the “Browse” button and then select the relevant attachment, click “update” button to attach the file
  • Save Button: Click this button to save changes.
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.
  • Objectives Button: Load the Objectives screen (See Objectives)
  • View Appraisal Form Button: Loads the Performance Appraisal Viewer (See Entering Comments for Performance Appraisals)
Editing Appraisals

To edit an appraisal, navigate to Performance > Appraisals > Employee Appraisals. Click the relevant employee, locate the relevant Appraisal and then click its name. Click on an appraisal and change the information as required (See Creating Appraisals). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.

Deleting Appraisals

To delete an appraisal, navigate to Performance > Appraisals > Employee Appraisals. Click the relevant employee, select the checkbox beside the Appraisal(s) you want to delete and then click the “Delete” button.

Deleting Multiple Appraisals

To delete multiple appraisals, navigate to Performance > Appraisals > Employee Appraisals. Click the “Set appraisal status manually” button, select the checkbox beside the Appraisal(s) you want to delete and then click the “Delete” button.


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tismail posted this 18 October 2019 - Last edited 03 April 2020

Manually setting appraisal status

An authorised user can manually change the status of an appraisal, the options available are as follows

  • Created
  • Initiated
  • Agreed
  • Activated
  • Pending Employee Comments
  • Pending Manager Comments
  • Pending Employee Final Comments
  • Pending Manager Final Comments
  • Completed

Note: “Created”, “Initiated”, “Agreed”, “Activated”, “Pending employee final comments” and “pending manager final comments” are only available if the portal settings allow it (see General settings under the Performance module). “Completed” is only available to the user with the “Admin” username. Notifications relevant to the selected status will be sent once the status is changed successfully.

To change appraisal status manually, follow the steps below

  • Navigate to Performance > Appraisals > Employee Appraisals
  • Click the “Set appraisal status manually” button
  • Check the tick box beside the relevant appraisal
  • Select the relevant status
  • Click the “set status” button
Cloning Performance Appraisals

You can clone an existing performance appraisal which can be modified to serve as a new performance appraisal. Follow the steps below to clone a performance appraisal

  • From the Performance Appraisal screen, click the “Clone Appraisal” link
  • The system will take you to the “Clone Appraisal” screen where you can modify the fields as required (See Creating Appraisals)
  • If you want the responses of the source appraisal to be cloned, set “Clone Responses?” to “Yes” otherwise, set it to “No”
  • If you are cloning to another employee then you type the employee name or part of it and click the search link. If you are cloning to another job title or department then you select the relevant options.
  • Click the “Save” button when done
Changing appraisal ownership

An appraisal can only be modified by the employee or the appraisal owner (usually the manager). However, it might be necessary to change the current owner of an appraisal and in such cases there are 2 options.

Taking ownership

This is useful where the current user needs to make changes to the appraisal and they are not the current owner. To do this, from the “Employee Appraisal” screen, select “Take Ownership” from the action dropdown.

Setting Ownership

There are instances where the current user wants to change the owner of an appraisal to someone other than themselves. In such cases, from the “Employee Appraisal” screen, select “Set Ownership” from the action dropdown. On the ensuing screen, enter part of the employee name and click the search link to find the employee and then click the “Confirm” button to finish otherwise, click the “Cancel” button. Note: The employee you are setting the ownership to must have the necessary permission to appraise the employee otherwise, you will get an error message.

Exporting Performance Appraisals

You can export the Performance Appraisals in view to Microsoft Word, Excel or Adobe PDF. To do this, from the Performance Appraisal screen, select the relevant format and click the “Export” button.

Importing Performance Appraisals

The system supports bulk importation of employee appraisals and objectives from a CSV file, this is provides a way to quickly create employee appraisals and objectives without having to do so one after the other.

From this screen, you will be able to import employee appraisals and objectives using the provided CSV file. Follow the steps below to appraisal upload records

  • Navigate to the import appraisal screen by clicking Performance > Appraisal > Import Appraisals
  • Download the sample import file if you don’t already have it by clicking the link under the “Upload Steps” section.
  • Fill in the fields using the field description below
    • FullName: This is the full name of the employee namely, first, middle and last name. This field is compulsory
    • AppraisalName: This is the name of the appraisal to be created. If the appraisal name already exist for the employee, it will be edited instead.
    • AppraisalDeadlineDate: This is the deadline date for the appraisal
    • PeriodStart: This is the start date of the appraisal
    • PeriodEnd: This is the end date of the appraisal
    • ObjectiveName: This is the unique name of the objective to be created. If the objective name already exist, it will be edited instead
    • ObjectiveDeadlineDate: This is the deadline date for the objective
    • DisplayText: This is the details of the objective which will be shown on the appraisal form. If this field is left blank, the suggested objective text for the relevant KPI will be used.
    • KPIName: This is the name of the KPI to which the objective is attached. Note: The KPI must already exist on the system.
  • Save the file to a location of your choice
  • From the Import appraisal screen, click the “browse” button
  • Select the save file from the chosen location
  • Click the “upload” button

The file will now be processed and you will be invited to download a file containing the result of the operation.

tismail posted this 18 October 2019

Importing Appraisal Objectives

The system supports bulk importation of employee appraisal objectives from a CSV file, this is provides a way to quickly create or modify existing objectives without having to do so one after the other.

From this screen, you will be able to import employee appraisal objectives using the provided CSV file, you will also be able to download existing objectives. Follow the steps below to upload appraisal objectives.

  • Navigate to the import objectives screen by clicking Performance > Appraisal > Import Objectives
  • Download the sample import file if you don’t already have it by clicking the link under the “Upload Steps” section.
  • Fill in the fields using the field description below
    • Employee Name: This is the full name of the employee namely, first, middle and last name. This field is compulsory
    • Appraisal Name: This is the name of the appraisal for the objective
    • Objective Name: This is the unique name of the objective to be created. If the objective name already exist, it will be edited instead
    • Goals: This is the details of the objective which will be shown on the appraisal form. If this field is left blank, the suggested objective text for the relevant KPI will be used.
    • Effective Date: This is the date from when the objective will be shown on an appraisal form.
    • Deadline Date: This is the date by which an objective need to be completed
    • Objective Type: This set the objective type (see creating objectives)
    • Individual Weight: This sets the weight for this objective. By default the objective will use the weight set for the KPI group which its KPI belongs to. However, by setting this field, the KPI group weight is overridden
    • KPI: This is the name of the KPI to which the objective is attached. Note: The KPI must already exist on the system.
  • Save the file to a location of your choice
  • From the Import objective screen, click the “browse” button
  • Select the save file from the chosen location
  • Click the “upload” button

The file will now be processed and you will be invited to download a file containing the result of the operation.


admin posted this 02 December 2019

Entering comments for Performance Appraisals

Load the Performance Appraisal Form by navigating to Performance > Appraisals > Employee Appraisals. Click the relevant employee, locate the relevant Appraisal and then click its name. From the ensuing screen, click the “View Appraisal Form” button. If the status of the appraisal, requires comments from the manager, then you will be able to enter comments and rate each objective depending on the current appraisal stage. Below is an explanation of the fields which can be found on this screen.

Objective Scorecard

  • Total Items measured: This is the total number of items being considered for a percentage type objective
  • Outcome: This is the actual outcome achieved by the employee in relation to the objective.

Example: If an objective requires the employee to have 1% returned sales, and the employee sold 100 items and 5 were returned, the Total items measured in this example is 100 and the outcome is 5

Subjective Evaluation

  • Completion Date: This is the date on which the objective was completed by the employee
  • Employee Comments: This field should be used by the employee to enter comments related to the relevant objective
  • Manager Comments: This field should be used by the manager to enter comments related to the relevant objective
  • Employee Final Comments: This field should be used by the employee to enter final comments related to the current appraisal
  • Manager Final Comments: This field should be used by the manager to enter final comments related to the current appraisal
  • Objective Rating: This specifies the rating for the current objective, select the relevant rating from the list.
  • Save Button: Click this button to save a draft copy of the form. Note: The form must be saved before any other action can be taken on it.
  • Submit / Activate /Initiate / Complete Button: This button’s function varies depending on the current performance appraisal stage. In each case, clicking this button will perform the action shown on the button
  • Return to Employee Button: This button return the form to the employee without advancing to the next stage in the appraisal process. This button can only be clicked by the Manager and should be used for situations where the manager wants the employee to make changes to his / her comments.
Performance Appraisal Stages

Below is a description of the various stages in the Performance Appraisal process

  • Created: This is the first stage of the appraisal process and each appraisal is assigned this status immediately after it is created
  • Initiated: This is the second stage of the appraisal process and signifies that the manager is happy with the objectives.
  • Agreed: The is the next stage in the appraisal process and signifies that the employee is happy with his / her objectives
  • Active: The next stage once an appraisal is “Agreed” is the “Active” stage where the employee can begin to enter his / her comments for the appraisal
  • Pending Employee Comments: This stage signifies that appraisal comments can currently be entered by the employee
  • Pending Manager Comments: This stage signifies that appraisal comments can currently be entered by the manager
  • Pending Employee Final Comments: This stage signifies that the employee can now enter his / her final comments
  • Pending Manager Final Comments: This stage signifies that the manager can now enter his / her final comments and assign a rating to each objective
  • Complete: This is the final stage of the appraisal process and no further change can be made

Note: The system will automatically send out reminders 2 weeks before the appraisal due date, another reminder will be sent a day before due date after which the appraisal status will automatically be set to “Pending Manager Final Comments” if the deadline date passes without submission

BizsoftHRM Administrator

admin posted this 02 December 2019 - Last edited 02 December 2019


This screen allows the management of performance appraisal objectives. From this screen, you will be able to create, edit and delete Objectives.

Creating Objectives

To create an Objective, navigate to Performance > Appraisals > Employee Appraisals. Locate the relevant employee and click the name, from the ensuing screen click on an appraisal and click on the “Objective” button. From the ensuing screen, click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Name: This is the unique Objective name
  • Goals: This is the details of the goals of this objective
  • Effective Date: This is the date by which the objective takes effect. The objective will only show up on an appraisal with a review period which covers the effective date.
  • Deadline: This is the deadline for completion of this objective
  • Objective Type: This determines the way the objective is appraised
    • Scorecard: Select this type for a quantitative objective which can be measured objectively
    • Evaluation: Select this type if the objective is of a subjective nature
    • Developmental Needs: Select this type to obtain comments from the appraisee and their manager such as developmental needs. This objective will not be rated.
  • Target: This is the target score for a “Scorecard” objective
  • Target Type: This affects how the objective score is calculated
    • Percentage: Use this for objectives with scores measure in percentages
    • Number: Use this for objectives where scores are measured in absolute terms
  • Grading Type: This determines how the “Scorecard” objective is graded
    • Higher is better: Select this where a higher score for the objective is desired
    • Lower is better: Select this where a lower score for the objective is desired
  • Individual Weight: Enter the objective’s weight in this field. If the weight is set to 0 then the system will use the weight attached to the KPI group linked to the objective.
  • KPI Group: This is the group from which a KPI will be selected
  • KPI: This is the KPI to which this objective is attached
  • Save Button: Click this button to save changes.
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.

Editing Objectives

To edit an Objective, navigate to Performance > Appraisals > Employee Appraisals. Locate the relevant employee and click the name, from the ensuing screen click on an appraisal and click on the “Objective” button. From the ensuing screen, click on an Objective and change the information as required (See Creating Objectives). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.

Deleting Objectives

To delete an Objective, navigate to Performance > Appraisals > Employee Appraisals. Locate the relevant employee and click the name, from the ensuing screen click on an appraisal and click on the “Objective” button. From the ensuing screen, select the checkbox beside the Objective(s) you want to delete and then click the “Delete” button.

BizsoftHRM Administrator

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