Creating Users, there are two steps or ways in which this can be done. Choose any of the two below:


To create a user navigate to Admin > User Management > Users. Click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below


❖ Username: This is the username with which the relevant employee will login in with. You can make this their employee ID, a derivation of their name or some other unique name. Note – You will be unable to change the username once it has been created.

❖ Employee Name: Enter the relevant employee’s full name here, you may enter part of the employee’s name and then click the search link to get a list of matched employees from which you can select.

❖ Role: This is the role whose associated permissions will be granted to the employee. Important – Please give thought to the role assigned as it will determine what the employee can and cannot do across the system (See User Roles section for more details about roles)

❖ Status: This determines if the username is “Enabled”, “Disabled” or “Locked”. Note: When an employee is locked out because they have reach the maximum allowed number of failed logins, you can unlock their account by setting their status to “Active”

❖ Password Never Expires: This determines if the user passwords expires after sometime (depending on your settings – see “Authentication Config”) or not.

❖ Email: Enter the employee’s email address. Note - Email addresses must be unique

❖ New Password: Enter the password for the account. Note – Employee will automatically be asked to change this password the first time they login unless you have set “Password Never Expires” to “Yes”

❖ Confirm Password: Re- enter the password for the account

❖ Save Button: Click this button to save changes.

❖ Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.

❖ Reset Password Button: Click this button to reset the employee’s password.

NOTE: The password will be reset to the password entered in the “New Password” field. This button is only available to a user with the “Reset Password” permission.

❖ Manage external logins: Click this button to go to the manage external login screen (see below)




You can alternatively get the system to automatically create users by following the steps below:

❖ Navigate to Admin > User Management > Users

❖ Click the “View employees with no access” button

❖ From the ensuing list, select the relevant employees

❖ Click on “Create User(s)” Please note the following

• The system will only create usernames and passwords for employees who have a “work email” on files

• The system will create the username by merging the employee’s first initial and last name

• Employees with at least one subordinate will be assigned “Employee Manager” role while others will be assigned “Employee User” role


       BizsoftHRM Administrator