Creating Trackers , please follow the steps below

To create a Tracker, navigate to Performance > Manage Trackers. Locate the relevant employee and click the name, from the ensuing screen click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Tracker Name: This is the unique Tracker name
  • Description: This contains the question that will be shown to the employee providing comments for the
  • Reviewer: Enter the full name of a tracker reviewer and then click the “Add Reviewer” button. Alternatively, you can enter part of the reviewer’s name and then click the “Search” link, select the appropriate reviewer from the list and then click the “Add Reviewer” button
  • Reviewers: This list contains the reviewers for the current tracker
  • Deadline: This is the date by which the tracker response must be received
  • Save Button: Click this button to save
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel

BizsoftHRM Administrator