• Navigate to Leave > Configure > General to select the required levels of approval (default is One Level)
  • Approval levels
    • One Level: The system requires an approval from the applicant’s direct manager.
    • Two Levels: The system requires approval from the applicant’s direct manager (Level 1 manager), once approved a second approval will be required from any of the level 1 managers’ managers
    • Three Levels: The system requires approval from the applicant’s direct manager (Level 1 manager), once approved a second approval will be required from any of the level 1 managers’ managers (Level 2 Manager). After the level 2 approval, a third approval will be required from any of the level 2 managers’ managers.
  • A user who has the “manage employee” rights such as an “Admin” or “HR User” can approve at any level
  • Once a user gives approval, they can no longer give further approval for the current application neither can they reject the application.
  • A rejection at any level ends the application process.

Approving a leave application A user can approve leave application for employees to which he has access by selecting “Approve” from the action drop down list. Selecting this action will progress the leave application to the next stage in the approval process. The status will change to “Pending Approval – Level x” depending on the number of approvals required by the organisation. A leave at the final approval stage will have an option for “Final Approval” and if selected, the leave status will be changed to “Approved” and it will no longer be possible to edit the leave application.

Rejecting a leave application A user can reject leave application for employees to which he has access by selecting “Reject” from the action drop down list. Selecting this action will allow the user to add rejection comments before confirming the leave rejection. Once a leave is rejected, alerts will be sent out to relevant employees and the leave application will be removed from the leave list.

Cancelling a leave application A user can cancel a leave application from this screen by selecting “Cancel” from the action drop down list. Once a leave is cancelled, it is removed from the list and any unit used is added back to the employee’s entitlement.
Note: The balance shown on this screen is the current leave entitlement balance and this is based on the total entitlement or the total accrued entitlement in a case where leave accrual is enabled.

Viewing the approval chain for a leave application A user can view the previous approvers for a leave application and when they gave the said approval. To view the approval chain, locate the relevant leave application and select the “View approval chain” option. To send a message to a previous approver, click the “Send Email to Approver” button, select the relevant approver, compose your message and click the “Send” button. Click the “Close” button to return to the leave application list screen

Viewing leave covers for a leave application A user can view the status of employee(s) currently marked as cover for the current leave applicant to help reach a decision on whether to approve the leave application or not. To view the leave cover(s), locate the relevant leave application and select the “View leave covers” option. The ensuing screen will show all the leave covers and specify whether they are available for the duration of the relevant leave application, if not, it will show the dates they are unavailable and specify whether they are “on leave” or “on training”. Click the “Close” button to return to the leave application list screen.