Navigate to Admin > Organisation > Countries (Requires a user with Admin rights).
- Select the relevant country
- Edit the record
- Change "Paycycle Approval Required" setting as appropriate
- If necessary, add required approvers by Navigating to Admin > Organisation > Countries (Requires a user with Admin rights).
- Select the relevant country and click the Edit button
- Scroll to the pay cycle approval section
- Type part of an approver’s name and then click the “search” link button
- Click on “Add Recipient” button to add the employee
- Repeat until you have added all required approvers
- Click the Save button
- Click the Save button
- You must ensure that the “Payroll Notifications” is set to “Yes” otherwise, neither the approver nor employees will get notifications for payroll (See ). Note: The approver can still give approval when “Payroll Notifications” is set to “No” but they just won’t receive a notification to do so.
BizsoftHRM Administrator