To upload form questions, please follow the steps below

* Navigate to Recruitment > Vacancies > Questions Pool

* Click the "Import" button

* From the ensuing screen, click "Download sample import file"

* Once download, open the document up and fill as follows

* Name - This is the unique name for the question (not more than 50 characters)

* Display Text - This is the actual question to be displayed

* Field Type: The type of question (Textbox, Dropdown or File Attachment)

* Answer Type: The type of answer expected (Text, Multiline Text, Date, Number, Email)

* Tag - This are pre-defined fields that can be automatically populated based on the applicants registration. Allowed tags are (Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, Country, DOB, First Name, Last Name, Marital Status, Middle Name, Mobile Phone, Nationality, Other Email, Post Code, Sex, State, Telephone, Work Email, Work Phone)

* Include in all forms - Select "Yes" to automatically include this question in all application forms otherwise select "No"

* Once all questions have been entered, save the file (don't change the file type which is CSV)

* Return to the portal and click the "Browse" button

* Navigate to the location where you stored the file and then click "Open"

* Click the "Upload" button and follow the onscreen instructions.

Important: Once upload is complete, a result file will be available for download, please open the file and scroll to the last column on the right to view results of each question line.



BizsoftHRM Administrator