Manage Employee Surveys

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  • Last Post 05 June 2020
admin posted this 05 June 2020 - Last edited 05 June 2020

Manage Employee Surveys

This screen allows the management of surveys for employees. Employee Surveys provides a means getting feedback from your employees in an easy to use survey. From this screen, you will be able to create, edit and delete Employee Surveys.

Creating Employee Surveys

To create a Employee Survey, navigate to News & Docs > Employee Surveys > Manage Employee Surveys. Click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Name: Enter the unique name for this survey                
  • Deadline: This is the date by which the Employee Survey must be completed by the respondent, the Employee Survey will no longer be available after the deadline date
  • Survey Instruction: Enter a brief instruction which will be show to the respondent before commencement of the survey
  • Save Button: Click this button to save changes.
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.
  • Preview: This shows you a preview of the survey
  • Manage Respondents: This shows the “Manage Respondents” screen where you can add or remove respondents (See Managing Survey Respondents)
  • Send to Respondents: Click this button to send out the survey to respondents. Note: You must have at least one respondent and one question in a survey before it can be sent out


Editing Employee Surveys

To edit an Employee Survey, navigate to News & Docs > Employee Surveys > Manage Employee Surveys. Locate the relevant Employee Survey then click on the Employee Survey, on the ensuing screen, click the “Edit” button and change the information as required (See Creating Employee Surveys). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.

Deleting Employee Surveys

To delete a Employee Survey, navigate to News & Docs > Employee Surveys > Manage Employee Surveys. Select the checkbox beside the Employee Survey(s) you want to delete and then click the “Delete” button.

Managing Employee Survey Questions

Before you can issue a survey, you must add at least one survey question

Adding Employee Survey Questions

From the employee survey manage screen (You get to this screen by adding a new survey or editing an existing one), click on “Add” and fill in the necessary fields using the information below

  • Question Name: This is the unique name for the survey question
  • Display Text: This is the actual question text that will be displayed to the respondent
  • Question Type: Select “Single Response”, “Multiple Response” or “Open Ended”
  • Values: Enter the options in this field separated by semi-colon (;)
  • Required: Select “Yes” to make this question compulsory otherwise, select “No”
  • Save Button: Click this button to save changes.
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.
Editing Employee Survey Questions

From the employee survey manage screen (You get to this screen by adding a new survey or editing an existing one), locate the relevant survey question then click on the survey question, on the ensuing screen, click the “Edit” button and change the information as required (See Adding Employee Survey Questions). When done, click the “Save” button to save changes or the “Cancel” button to discard changes.

Deleting Employee Survey Questions

From the employee survey manage screen (You get to this screen by adding a new survey or editing an existing one), Select the checkbox beside the survey question(s) you want to delete and then click the “Delete” button.

Note: Questions can no longer be modified once a survey has been issued (sent to respondents)


BizsoftHRM Administrator

admin posted this 05 June 2020

Managing Survey Respondents

Before you can issue a survey, you must add at least one survey respondent

Adding Survey Respondents

From the employee survey manage screen (You get to this screen by adding a new survey or editing an existing one)

  • Click on “Manage Respondents” button
  • From the ensuing screen, click “Add” button
  • Put a tick in the box beside the relevant respondent (use the filter section to search for an employee if required)
  • Add Selected Employee Button: Click this button to save changes.
  • Cancel Button: Click this button to cancel changes.
Removing Survey Respondents

From the employee survey manage screen (You get to this screen by adding a new survey or editing an existing one), click on the “Manage Respondents” button, from the ensuing screen, select the checkbox beside the survey respondent(s) you want to delete and then click the “Delete” button.

Note: Respondents can be added but cannot be removed once a survey has been issued (sent to respondents)

Export Employee Survey

The Employee Survey report shows the analysis of the responses contained in relevant surveys using easy to understand charts. Access the report by navigate to News & Docs > Employee Surveys > Manage Employee Surveys, use the filter section to search for the relevant survey(s) select the export document type and then click the “Export Report” button

Clone Employee Survey

The system allows a user to clone an existing Employee Survey. To do so, access the screen by navigating to News & Docs > Employee Surveys > Manage Employee Surveys. Locate the relevant Employee Survey then select “Clone” action dropdown then fill in the relevant information on the ensuing screen (See creating Employee Surveys)

Send Reminder

Once an appraisal has been issued, you can send a reminder to all respondents who are yet to complete their survey. To do so, access the screen by navigating to News & Docs > Employee Surveys > Manage Employee Surveys. Locate the relevant Employee Survey then select “Send Reminder” from the action dropdown

BizsoftHRM Administrator

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